Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Is there someone that you're obsessed with? Someone you just know is meant to be together forever with you? Has she (or he) somehow never responded to your totally deluded deluge of notes and mail, and staking out her house at all hours? Has she (or he) changed his or her phone number and finally called the police on you?
We here at Stalkers4U know that serious stalking is serious work. And if you are a busy professional, face it, you just don't have the time to obsessively keep track of every moment of someone else's existence.
That's why we created Stalkers4U. Our team of trained professionals is on the case 24/7, documenting any and every movement of your designated one. Even if it's 3 a.m. and that person just goes to the bathroom, rest assured it will be noted and put in our computer profile.
We've also just come out with an innovative new service: StalkerBuddy. Let's face it, stalking can get lonely and frustrating. But with StalkerBuddy, you not only get company, but another set of eyes. Your Buddy, for example, can keep an eye on a back door if the stalkee tries to escape that way.
So remember, here at Stalkers4U know what you do: he or she really wants to be with you!

1 comment:

Kleingärtner said...

Janine? Are you there?