Monday, April 12, 2010

Please don't drunk and post

It's just after ten in the morning and I am wasted. I blame the drug companies, which I took some of their product this morning. Trying to start exercising regularly, eating right, and dying

Time to start lashing out reuglarly. First is for the NRA, who have 20,000 handgun deaths a year (or maybe it was 12). Time for the rest of us to storm with guns, even fake ones, because, hey the lawmakers think it's a good idea to practice anywhere. So why can't I bring one to the Capitol or the Supreme Court? They voted on a law intended to protect militia-members and made it an individual right.

Even fukin' Obama has to scrape and bow before this group, talking about "Second Amendment Rights." But it was the court's 5-4 decision to come out against DCs handgun legislation that really turned the tide. Before, there was only speculation on the law's meaning.

Notwithstanding Viginia's great sport of exporting death (in DC, up the NY), lawmakers in Virgnia and other backwoods peckerwood places have interpreted that they can as many guns as they wan't.

It's not their fault, said one supporter, if clients use the guns in crimes. They import guns for sporting reasons altogether. Anyone up for a pheasant hunt?


Kleingärtner said...

I'm up for a peasant hunt!Where should we go? Culpepper, maybe? Stirling?

tourguide said...


Unknown said...

Well said! You are doing a great job by making awareness to the peoples. Great work from you.
From team Subway Princess Run