Thursday, June 12, 2008

...and stay out!

God help me, I was somehow watching MTV's "The Real World" at a gym, with subtitles, the sound off. It seems one of the girls wanted to go on a guys night out to a strip club. Now I've seen increasing numbers of young women at such clubs recently in DC. They almost ruin the whole thing. There on a great "fun" adventure to expand their sexuality or knowledge thereof. They shouldn't be there. All they do is remind you of what a shmuck you are for being there yourself and not with a "real" woman. Plus, by making it less of a "forbidden" pleasure they take away the whole naughtiness factor. Go see Tom Jones! (is he still performing?)
It's all part of the mainstreaming of porn, dirty talk, and formerly "guy talk." It's everywhere and it's boring the shit out of me.
It's like when I first went to a topless beach in the South of France. After a while, most of the time you didn't even look. You're numb to it. The Onion of course got the phenomenon right in their story "Americans demand another orifice to look at."
The most extreme example I saw of the numbing process gone mild was in Salzburg, Austria, in college. There was a magazine kiosk downtown, exhibiting the various rags' covers in the windows. Right up there with the German Frau Home Journal and Golf in Easily Intimidated Small Countries was a full page cover photo of a "comely" fraulein. With semen all over her face. Nobody seemed to stop and notice except me. Ho Hum, how's the Scnitzel?
So America, let's keep some things dirty and secret, for the love of the verboten.


Gina said...

Nothing sacred anymore at the
'He-mens Woman Haters Club'?

Kleingärtner said...

You have a pretty mouth, Stain.