Thursday, July 10, 2008

Killing My Doppelganger

Fans and non-fans (playa hatas),

It seems there is a indie flimaker in Canada - Winnepeg, Calgery etc, who has my name, the bastard.
This wouldn't be such a pisser but that he's way above me in the Google Bowl. Punch in my name and the first entry on my part is a letter to the editor of the NY times about the 9/11 memorial. It's about a page and a half back so it's easy to ignore.
How did this guy pull so far ahead of me? Documentaries about moose mating? Ice fishing on Lake Ontario? I'm going to launch a KKK-type terror campagn to drive these northernerners, to become, well, even more northern.
I'm not exactly sure what these people do for entertainment. Tormenting Polar Bears? Seal beating? Seals are pretty easy to bag, since they are by and large peaceful animals, which helps when it comes to beating their brains in with a club.
Is this what passes for outrage in Canada? We need some good upright citizens to go up there and shoot up malls, schools, and government buildings.
God Bless America.

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