Monday, December 15, 2008

Spoiled Milk

I've seen the trailers for and reviews for "Milk," about the flamboyantly gay city supervisor who was killed in office. Let me make myself clear in my profound disgust and protest.

Like we can identify with such a limp-wristed, fruity fairy. The moment I saw him on the screen I wanted to get the old baseball bat out of the garage and bash him with it. Unfortunately, it was only an actor up there on screen there, Sean Penn.
Penn, being from fag-friendly Hollywood, probably didn't realize what a terrible role-model he was making.

Now, bus-loads of children will be forced to watch this disgusting piece of homo-propaganda. The school board wherever they are will probably think that they are helping the kids into being more accepting, and to treat such sissies just like they would with normal people.

I've had it with such trashy filth like the one that Heath Ledger was in. We can all see how totally pissed off God was when the divine one, in his fierce judgment, took that actor away.

Why aren't there other movies that show the apostles living together, but without so much as a "love that robe" between them? I'll tell you. God was watching them at all times, and struck down everything down to your everyday erection in his fierce righteousness. As quoted in Mark II, part 3, "if a sheep doest wander before the holy men, neither man nor beast should find themselves in unholy congress."

In other words, fruitcakes, watch out, because the greatest fag-basher of all time is coming. And by your limp wrist he shall identify you, and send you down below, which I can assure you is tacky as hell and will play no thumping bass music, ever.


Kleingärtner said...

You got a pretty mouf, Dave

Rambler said...

and he wasn't mayor