Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Eight Miles High

Item in the NYT today (?) on how Anise (absinthe) is making a comback, since it is now legal again, despite the mildly hallucinogenic worm inside it.
I first had it in a dumpy, small Manhattan tenement apartment that nonetheless had access to a backyard on (about) E. 40th between 2nd and 3rd.
Some substance had to be burned through a sugar cube and a spoon with holes in it, then drank. It was also 70 proof.
I went out to the backyard, which was ringed by 40-story apartment buildings. They were massive, like redwoods. Pretty soon I found myself drifting upwards outside their balconies.
I must be a lightweight, because I felt pretty out of body. But it can't be that good if they are now selling it legally. And the high was over pretty damn quick.
Any experiences/recommendations out there in blogland?

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