Friday, January 23, 2009

The Real Show Begins

After a two-year campaign and endless coverage of his Cabinet picks, Obama has to take the most drastic of measures: governing.
The media could not be more dissapointed. Covering the election was fun, what with lighting up blue and red states on the screen, traveling all over the nation, and listening in and opining on Obama's soaring speeches.
Governing and making policy, on the other hand, are a drag. It's that whole legislative branch thing that's always getting in the way. Obama at least has a Democratic majority on the Hill. But that doesn't mean they'll rubber stamp every initiative coming from the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.
There's a famous quote from Bismark. Making policy is like making sausage: you don't want to see how it's done.

1 comment:

Kleingärtner said...

Bismark also said the key to governing was to use suger bread and the whip with the masses. Beat me, Barry!!!!