Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Saved by Zero

From what I've been scrawling here in January, I am seemingly read by no one. As a former daily reporter, this is tough. I worked at a regional paper, the Trenton Times, which are most at risk in this recession. People get their news from the big papers or wire services. If they want local, they turn to the uber-local newspaper, which can tell you the flounder prices at the local seafood place.
Then there's the publication by article, piece work as it were. You're living from their 0K or their rejection. Disposable; anyone else can work by piece and not by salary.
Tell that to the landlord. You can either wed into wealth or do what the entertainment magazines offer.
I could give one flying fuck about Jennifer Anniston. Yet there has been a cute-fest with her and Marley the dog which has proven boffo box office. The question is who is more cute, the dog or the actress.
Yet I'm seriously thinking about LA as a place to make a living and time to write. There are over 100 tour agencies in the area, and its a place of high turnover. New Orleans is screwed because of their rule that you have lived in the metro area for six months or more, plus a test.
Maybe I'll start by reading Entertainment Weekly, and try not to barf.

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