Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Immigrant Sheild

An Arab store owner is killed in Crown Heights, just another example of what I call "The Immigrant Shield." This means that immigrants take jobs that can be dangerous while serving poor minority populations that Americans would never do, like driving cabs and running convenience stores in ghettos.

Their willingness to be on the front lines of our country's biggest social problem protects the rest of us. We can pontificate on crime and racism while never actually having to deal with it directly. We can condemn the white working class for their supposed bigotry. After all, "They" don't come to our stores and businesses, and we don't have to serve them in their neighborhoods as delivery men, gas men etc.

Yesterday, me and a friend ate at a place called Mexican Village in Princeton's Hispanic neighborhood, which used to be its small black ghetto. A black kid came in dressed in what looked like a parody of a gangster rapper, with an oversized knit cap covering his eyes, a hoodie, drooping pants, and a medallion of some sort hanging way down near his navel.

He just wanted something to eat, but the place was definitely freaked out for a minute or two. Yes, even tolerant, open minded liberals.

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