Friday, September 4, 2009

Absurd LA wildfire "arson" lies and myths

So the hills around LA are burning again. What a surprise! The Indians only called them the Fire Hills for a reason.
Every time fires start in the hills, there is a shadowy arsonist/homicidal maniac to blame. The only problem? This mythical person is never found, no matter what the ransom.
The people at fault are obviously the real estate industry, who keep building "view lot" houses deeper and deeper into the hills. The occupants of these dwellings then expect the government to bail them out with fire control measures like fire-dousing water and powder from helicopters.
The only thing that turns the fires around, though, is a lessening of the Santa Ana winds that blow fire on everything in range and are literally uncontrollable. The Indians set fires every fall to cut down the chaparral so that the fires would be controlled.
Instead, you have real estate-connected politicians insisting that there is not enough fire retardation being done. In hills that are built to burn.
Mark my words. No legitimate "arsonist" will be caught. They've tried the bribe (excuse me "reward") before, and came up with a whole lot of nothing. Here's betting on the same.

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